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Comparing Performance and Reliability of Collocated Enhanced Children’s MicroPEM (ECM) on Gravimetric and Nephelometric PM2.5 Personal Exposure Samples in Field Measurements in Rural Guatemala

Comparing Performance and Reliability of Collocated Enhanced Children’s MicroPEM (ECM) on Gravimetric and Nephelometric PM2.5 Personal Exposure Samples in Field Measurements in Rural Guatemala

Mollinedo, E., McCracken, J. P., Johnson, M., Piedrahita, R., Pillarisetti, A., Waller, L. A., Wang, J., Thompson, L. M., Diaz-Artiga, A., de Leon, O., Ramirez, A., Polanco, A., Campbell, D., Kearns, K. A., Kremer, J., Nicolaou, L., Clark, M. L., Balakrishnan, K., Rosa, G., … Naeher, L. P. (2025). Comparing Performance and Reliability of Collocated Enhanced Children’s MicroPEM (ECM) on Gravimetric and Nephelometric PM2.5 Personal Exposure Samples in Field Measurements in Rural Guatemala. In N. B. Dhital (Ed.), Indoor Air (Vol. 2025, Issue 1). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1155/ina/8812602

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