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Factors Determining Black Carbon Exposures among Pregnant Women Enrolled in the HAPIN Trial

Factors Determining Black Carbon Exposures among Pregnant Women Enrolled in the HAPIN Trial

Campbell, D. A., Johnson, M., Piedrahita, R., Pillarisetti, A., Waller, L. A., Kearns, K. A., Kremer, J., Mollinedo, E., Sarnat, J. A., Clark, M. L., Underhill, L. J., McCracken, J. P., Diaz-Artiga, A., Steenland, K., Rosa, G., Kirby, M. A., Balakrishnan, K., Sambandam, S., Mukhopadhyay, K., … Naeher, L. P. (2024). Factors Determining Black Carbon Exposures among Pregnant Women Enrolled in the HAPIN Trial. In Environmental Science & Technology. American Chemical Society (ACS). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c09991

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