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Effects of Cooking with Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass on Stunting in Infants

Posts tagged Intervention

Effects of Cooking with Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass on Stunting in Infants

Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass Cooking and Severe Infant Pneumonia

Visualizing Field Data Collection Procedures of Exposure and Biomarker Assessments for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Trial in India

Repeated assessment of PM2.5 in Guatemalan kitchens cooking with wood: Implications for measurement strategies

Biomass Smoke Exposure and Atopy among Young Children in the Western Highlands of Guatemala: A Prospective Cohort Study

Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass for Cooking and Effects on Birth Weight.

Marriage-based pilot clean household fuel intervention in India for improved pregnancy outcomes

Machine-learned modeling of PM2.5 exposures in rural Lao PDR

Promoting LPG usage during pregnancy: A pilot study in rural Maharashtra, India

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