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Optimizing Exposure Measures in Large-Scale Household Air Pollution Studies: Results from the Multicountry HAPIN Trial

Posts tagged theme-exposure

Optimizing Exposure Measures in Large-Scale Household Air Pollution Studies: Results from the Multicountry HAPIN Trial

Association of household air pollution exposure and anemia among pregnant women: Analysis of baseline data from ’Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN)’ trial

Factors Determining Black Carbon Exposures among Pregnant Women Enrolled in the HAPIN Trial

Household Air Pollution Interventions to Improve Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement

Effects of Cooking with Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass on Stunting in Infants

Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass Cooking and Severe Infant Pneumonia

Seasonally optimized calibrations improve low-cost sensor performance: long-term field evaluation of PurpleAir sensors in urban and rural India

Unexpected Performance Improvements of Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Sensors by Including Carbon Monoxide Sensor Signal

Using high-frequency household surveys to describe energy use in rural North India during the COVID-19 pandemic

Visualizing Field Data Collection Procedures of Exposure and Biomarker Assessments for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Trial in India

Repeated assessment of PM2.5 in Guatemalan kitchens cooking with wood: Implications for measurement strategies

Biomass Smoke Exposure and Atopy among Young Children in the Western Highlands of Guatemala: A Prospective Cohort Study

Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass for Cooking and Effects on Birth Weight.

Indoor Air Pollution and Health: Bridging Perspectives from Developing and Developed Countries.

Exposure Contrasts of Pregnant Women during the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Randomized Controlled Trial

Indoor and Ambient Air Pollution in Chennai, India during COVID-19 Lockdown: An Affordable Sensors Study

From Air Quality Sensors to Sensor Networks: Things We Need to Learn

Modeling approaches and performance for estimating personal exposure to household air pollution: A case study in Kenya

Exposure contrasts associated with a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) intervention at potential field sites for the multi-country household air pollution intervention network (HAPIN) trial in India: results from pilot phase activities in rural Tamil Nadu.

Using longitudinal survey and sensor data to understand the social and ecological determinants of clean fuels use and discontinuance in rural Ghana

Using repeat surveys to assess the impact of COVID‐19 on household energy use in Jharkhand, India

AAM-LASSI: Ambient Air Monitoring of LPG At Scale in South India

An Integrated Sensor Data Logging, Survey, and Analytics Platform for Field Research and Its Application in HAPIN, a Multi-Center Household Energy Intervention Trial

Comparison of next‐generation portable pollution monitors to measure exposure to PM2.5 from household air pollution in Puno, Peru

The use of bluetooth low energy Beacon systems to estimate indirect personal exposure to household air pollution

Measuring personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) among rural Honduran women: a field evaluation of the Ultrasonic Personal Aerosol Sampler (UPAS)

The Pink Key: a low-cost stove use monitor to enable conditional cash transfers

Small, Smart, Fast, and Cheap: Microchip-Based Sensors to Estimate Air Pollution Exposures in Rural Households

Probe-based measurements of moisture in dung fuel for emissions measurements.

Use of temperature sensors to determine exclusivity of improved stove use and associated household air pollution reductions — Kenya, 2012-2013

Patterns of stove usage after introduction of an advanced cookstove: the long-term application of household sensors

Field calibrations of a low-cost aerosol sensor at a regulatory monitoring site in California

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